Biblical Foundations For Teens

By Theodore J. Quist

The book serves as a teacher's guide for Sunday School tailored to teenagers, aiming to impart a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible and its principles. Designed for both teenagers and their instructors, the contents of this publication aim to enhance comprehension of the scriptures. By delving into the messages within the over 300 pages, adolescents will find solace and support, enabling them to cultivate a steadfast, enduring faith in God as they deepen their understanding of the Bible.

The book contains 94 lessons. Each lesson has 11 parts:

1. Lesson Title

The lesson title succinctly summarizes the main theme or topic of the lesson. It is set to engage and capture the attention of the students.

2. Lesson Objective

The lesson objective describes what the students should be able to understand, know, or do by the end of the lesson. It sets clear expectations for the learning outcomes and guides the teacher's instruction.

3. Scripture Passage

The scripture passage is the specific portion of the Bible that will be the focus of the lesson. It is important to choose a passage that aligns with the lesson objective and provides relevant content for discussion and exploration.

4. Introduction

The introduction is the opening part of the lesson that grabs the students' attention and prepares them for the content to come. It can include a thought-provoking question, a short story, or an attention-grabbing activity that relates to the lesson topic.

5. Background Information

The background information provides context and additional details about the scripture passage or the historical and cultural setting in which it was written. It helps students understand the significance of the passage and its relevance to their lives today.

6. Key Points:

The key points are the main ideas or concepts that the students should understand and remember from the lesson. These points should be clear, concise, and aligned with the lesson objective. They serve as the foundation for the rest of the lesson.

7. Interactive Activities

Interactive activities are engaging exercises or tasks that encourage student participation and foster a deeper understanding of the lesson content. These activities can include group discussions, role-playing, case studies, or hands-on projects that allow students to apply what they have learned.

8. Bible Scavenger Hunt

A Bible scavenger hunt is a fun and interactive activity that involves searching for specific passages, verses, or information within the Bible. It encourages students to explore the Bible, familiarize themselves with its structure, and discover relevant passages that support the lesson objective.

9. Application/Application Questions

Application refers to the process of helping students connect the lesson content to their own lives and experiences. Application questions prompt students to reflect on how the lesson applies to them personally and encourage them to consider how they can live out the principles taught in the scripture passage.

10. Memory Verse

A memory verse is a specific verse or passage from the Bible that is selected for students to memorize. It is chosen based on its relevance to the lesson objective or as a key takeaway from the scripture passage. Memorizing verses helps students internalize God's Word and have it readily available for future reflection.

11. Conclusion

The conclusion wraps up the lesson and summarizes the key points covered. It provides closure to the discussion and offers a final opportunity for students to ask questions or share their insights. The conclusion can also include a prayer or a call to action, encouraging students to apply what they have learned in their daily lives.

Grab Your Personal Copy Now!!!

Apart from Sunday school, as a parent, I urge you to get a personal copy to help guide your teenage child in the way of the Lord.

Contact me for your copy

Theodore J. Quist

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